Can My Kids Get Acupuncture? Chinese Medicine for Infants and Children


Can My Kids Get Acupuncture?

It’s amazing how often we hear this question from adult clients or get a look of surprise when we suggest their child try acupuncture for an ailment.  The answer is YES, your child can get acupuncture and it can really help! We want to take a moment to describe what Shonishin is, what it can treat, and hopefully answer your questions about this gentle but powerful treatment modality for kids.

In Chinese Medicine, children are viewed as being in the yang stage of life; constantly growing and developing and with qi that moves more quickly than adults.  This means that children respond well to gentle stimulation of the points and meridians and to very short treatments compared to adults who usually require more stimulation and longer treatment times for results.

Shonishin is the style of acupuncture commonly used when treating babies and children.  It is literally translated at “little” (sho) “children” (ni) “needle” (shin).  Shonishin is practiced without needles, thus making it perfect for children and even adults who may be more sensitive or afraid of needles. The overall goal of treatment is to help the body reestablish balance; reducing symptoms and improving overall health and vitality.

Various metal tools (pictured below) may be used during treatment to gently apply pressure over acupuncture points or to tap or stroke along the acupuncture meridians on the body.  Practitioners also may use stick-on acupressure pellets that stay on for a few days and help to prolong the treatment.  For older children, gentle Chinese cupping or traditional acupuncture may be used if necessary and if the child is ready. 

Shonishin and acupuncture can help a lot of childhood issues including colic, constipation and other digestive issues, bed-wetting, sleep disorders, anxiety and more. Usually if a child is being treated for an acute issue, they may need to be seen 2-3 times a week for a couple weeks, then start to space treatments out as symptoms improve for longer duration. Regular wellness visits are usually encouraged to keep the child well after any significant issues have been resolved.


David has seen great results in the clinic with pediatric clients for all of the above symptoms and more. He finds that shonishin treatment not only helps symptoms, but also helps to promote mindfulness and body awareness in children that can help with numerous aspects during development. Please reach out if you have questions about shonishin and pediatric acupuncture or would like to schedule an appointment with David.