Acupuncture for Cancer and Cancer-treatment Related Pain

New guidelines were released last month by the American Society of Clinical Oncologists (ASCO) and the Society of Integrative Oncology (SIO) for cancer pain management (link to the full report here). These organizations looked at over 200 research studies on using integrative therapies for managing pain secondary to cancer or cancer-treatment and provide oncologists with recommendations on when to refer patients. The guidelines state that acupuncture should be recommended for joint pain secondary to aromatase inhibitors, cancer pain, musculoskeletal pain and chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy.

While this isn’t news to acupuncturists, it’s wonderful to see more research being done on integrative medicine and professional standards changing accordingly to improve patient care. With over 14 years of oncology experience both as an RN and as an acupuncturist, Carli is an expert in the field of oncology acupuncture. She treats cancer pain and cancer-treatment side-effects every day at our clinic. Patients find that adding acupuncture and other integrative therapies into their wellness routine during and after cancer treatment can significantly improve their quality of life. If you or someone you know is struggling with symptoms from cancer or cancer treatment reach out today to see how we can help!