Earth Day: Connect With Nature for Health and Wellness

Today is Earth Day! Earth Day started in 1970, primarily to bring awareness and change to air and water pollution from industrialization. Over 50 years later it is still a day to celebrate nature and also advocate for better care of our world.

Whether you spend your Earth day planting trees, picking up trash, or just sitting outside enjoying the spring flowers and birdsong, it is a great reminder to take some time and connect with nature.

In Chinese Medicine, we see our bodies as a direct reflection of the natural world. As the seasons go through their cycles, so do we. Wellness is often achieved through seasonal living- such as resting more in winter and being more active in summer, eating seasonal and local foods, and following lifestyle recommendations that align with seasonal energies. We also see the body as having the same elements as the natural world- Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. As acupuncturists, it’s our job to assess the organs that correspond to these elements and use points and herbs to help strengthen, reduce or move energy to bring the body’s elements into proper balance.

Just as we should tend to our Earth to keep her clean and healthy, we must tend to our own bodies and internal ecosystems as well. And remember that our personal health is also dependent on the health of our natural world. We hope you can spend some time in the sun today connecting with the Earth and connecting with yourself.